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Looking For rooms for REHEARSAL?

We now have AVAILABILITY from August – September

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Weekend and evening classes

Weekend and evening classes, as well as summer and holiday projects taking place at the Old Town Hall, Belsize Park in the borough of Camden. Wac Arts has a wide range of halls, studios, rehearsal facilities and meeting rooms for hire and we’re increasingly recognised as one of London’s top venues for performing arts clientele and a creative hub for our community.

Weekends and Evenings

Classes for 4-30 year olds on weekends and evenings.

Schools & Communities

Specialist sessions in performing, creative and digital arts.

Wac Nites

Performing arts and media opportunities for young people with mild to moderate learning disabilities.

Venue Hire

A versatile venue with a wide range of halls, studios, rehearsal facilities and meeting rooms for hire

Building Partners

Our building partners contribute to our vibrant atmosphere and eclectic cultural mix

“Wac Arts means an expanded life. A better life. A chance to open up with likeminded people and grow as a person. That’s what I felt in the eleven years I’ve been here”
John Gaine, Senior Wac Arts student and Wac Arts Ambassasor


Wac Arts
Old Town Hall
213 Haverstock Hill
London NW3 4QP

General enquiries: 020 7692 5800


Facebook: WacArts
Twitter: @WacArts
Donate: JustGiving

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